Sunday, December 20, 2009


Patience Persistence Progress...............
Changing Lives by Empowerment
Thought of the Day :- Until Inputs are not changed Outputs will remain same

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Control charts are statistical tools under, Statstical Process Control System, to control whether a process and its varibles are under statistical control or not therby ensuring consistency in product or service quality.

In production process it is required to monitor the extent to which our product meet specification.

there are two reasons for the inferior quality of product are
1) Deviations from target specification.
2) Excessive variablity around the target specifications.

usually varitations in process is caused by

Common Causes :- Variations caused due to the system, they can not be reduced unless the process itself is changed.
It influence in the same way, they produce random or natural variation in the data pattern, when it is free from special causes.

Variations due to common errors are result of the combined effect, rendering it difficult to identify and eliminate without further investement and commitment of managment for improvement.

Few examples of common causes:-

  • The KSA of employees are below the requirement
  • Absence of suitable work environment and work culture.
  • Poor methods or implementation of methods.
  • Ambiguous/ unclear instructions and delegations.
  • Ill maintained mahcinery, tools and equipments.
  • Lack of machine capability.
Special Causes :- variations caused by some special factor which is not because of system, spececial causes shows unusual pattern of variations and occur intermittenly, special causes can be found and rectified without changing the system. It is easier to eliminate special cause and management role is even not required.

Few examples of special causes

Operator not using right setting of machine.
Irregular or careless employee.
Assembly of machines not being done properly.
A tool, machine part etc is not working right.

for making a control charts we simply extract samples of a certain size then produce line charts of the variablity in those samples and consider their closeness to the target specifications.

If a trend emerges in those lines or if samples falls outside prespecified limits then process is considered to be out of control and take action to find the cause of the problem


1 analyzing the sample and the problem at hand, identify the nature of the data i.e whether the data represent variable data or attribte data, in case the data is variable then it represents the defects or defective.

2 once you had identified the nature of the data you have to find out which chart will be made, which is decided as per the following manner

In case it is Variable Data then

if size of sample, (here represented as n) is greater than 10
then make X bar S type chart

if size of sample, n is less than 10
then make X bar R type chart

If size of sample, n is equal to 1,
then make X-R chart.

In case we have attribute data and it represent defectives then we will make following chart, in this case we will have multiple samples

if the size of sample n is constant for all samples taken then
p type or np type chart will be made

in case sample size n is variable then
p type chart will be made

In case the data is for defects then charts will be made according to following

in case the sample size n, for all the sample is constant then
c type or u type charts will be made

in case the sample size n is variable then
u type of chart will be made.

Malcom Baldridge National Quality Awards ( MBNQ Awards)

Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award covers a set of seven categories of processes that must be addressed under the TQM System

Strategic Planning
Customer & Market Focus
Information and Analysis
Human Resource Managment and Development
Process Management
Business Results

Juran's Quality Triology

Quality Planning
  • Identify who are the customers.
  • Determine the needs of those customers.
  • Translate those needs into our language.
  • Develop a product that can respond to those needs.
  • Optimize the product features so as to meet our needs and customer needs.

Quality Contol
  • Choose control subjects — what to control.
  • Choose units of measurement.
  • Establish measurement.
  • Establish standards of performance.
  • Measure actual performance.
  • Interpret the difference (actual versus standard).
  • Take action on the difference
Quality Improvement

  • Build awareness of opportunities to improve
  • Set goals for improvement.
  • Organize to reach the goals
  • Carry out improvement projects to solve problem
  • Provide training to people
  • Give recognition to people
  • Measure and report progress
  • Communicate results
  • Keep score
  • Maintain momentum

Crosby : TQM

Philip B Crosby was born in Wheeling Virginia, 18th June Crosby began his career as a quality professional in 1952 after serving in World War II.
Crosby was the corporate Vice president for the international Telephone Telegraph, world-wide responsibilities for quality .
Crosby observed that poor quality in most companies costs around 20% or more of all revenue, most of which could be avoided by adopting good quality practices for achievement of which Crosby prescribed 4 absolutes for quality

Quality is free ( as the money spent on making quality is recovered by the increase in profit and decrease in wastage)

A company spends money on Quality and presume that Quality is not free, but the fact is, that it is free, if you think that every penny you don’t spend on doing things wrong, over, or instead of, becomes half a penny right on the bottom line. And in the uncertain world of business there aren’t many ways to make a profit improvement. If you concentrate on making quality certain, you can probably increase your profit by an amount equal to 5% to 10% of you sales. That’s a lot of money for free

1.Quality is defined as conformance to requirements, not as ‘elegance’ or ‘goodness’
According to Crosby quality should be made a necessary prerequisite of production , quality is necessity and nothing as an element of fancy, all activities should be in accordance of building right quality in product.

2.There is no such thing as a “quality problem or The system of achieving quality is prevention and not appraisal/ inspection

Crosby stated that companies should emphasize on activities to prevent any non conformance towards quality and appraisal of products ( which include actions like inspection, testing and other quality control means ) should be avoided,as appraisal involves greater costs and require more time.

Non conformance in quality increases the cost of appraisal which is termed as cost of quality, he emphasized that if the quality can be controlled at every step then there will hardly by any requirement of appraisal.

3 Measurement of quality is the price of non conformance:

According to Crosby quality should be in terms of costs of non conformance and not as indices of quality, such data alone can provide the clear proof of need for improvement, which is the aim any quality management system.
4 The only performance standard is zero defects:

Zero defect means, do it right the first time, crosby stated that system should aim at zero defect, according to it all the efforts should be implemented and directed towards prevention of occurence of defects, rather than trying to inspect, rework and retrieve the products. Crosby wanted to change the mindset of people that error is inevitable and advised that whatever may be the situation, people must continually bring down the errors by aiming at zero defect target.Zero defect is not a standard but a target.

Cost of Quality :

¬ Prevention costs:- The cost company has to incur to prevent defects/ defectives in a product or service is termed as Prevention cost, it includes following

  • Design reviews
  • Product qualification
  • Drawing checking
  • Engineering quality orientation
  • Supplier evaluations
  • Supplier quality seminars
  • Specification review
  • Process capability studies
  • Tool control
  • Operation training
  • Quality orientation
  • Acceptance planning
  • Zero defects programme
  • Quality Audits
  • Preventative maintenance

¬Inspection or Appraisal costs

  • Prototype inspection and test
  • Production specification conformance analysis
  • Supplier surveillance
  • Receiving inspection and test
  • Product acceptance
  • Process control acceptance
  • Packaging inspection
  • Status measurement and reporting

¬ Wastage or Failure costs
  • Consumer affairs
  • Redesign
  • Engineering change order
  • Purchasing change order
  • Corrective action costs
  • Rework
  • Scrap
  • Warranty
  • Service after service
  • Product liability

Monday, December 14, 2009

Marketing Service Provider or Suppliers

Marketing Research is an essential tool in the decision making process of any organization, depending on the following factors a firm can opt for various alternatives to receive Marketing Research

Company's Size of operation.
Company's Product Ranges or Diversification
Company's Business Environment.
Company's Specific Problems
Industry of the company.
Nature of product and service offering.

Based on the above factors a company can choose any of the following service provider.

Internal Marketing Research Supplier:-

  • Company can have its own internal Marketing Research Department.
  • Marketing Research Department will have its own systems of Equipments. Persons and Technology, which will be used to cater the Marketing Research Requiremetns of the company.
  • Internal Marketing Research department can be centralized or decentralized depending on its operations.
  • If the Marketing Research Department works from Head Quarters of the company it is centralized, when the Marketing Research Department is at SBU level or Regional level or Divisional level then it is example of decentralized MR department.
  • Having internal MR department helps the company in achieving competitive edge in the market as any data or information collected is exclusive to the use of internal use only.
External Marketing Research Supplier

  • Organization can also hire external marketing research firms for its marketing research requirements.
  • Such external marketing research companies solely undertake Marketing Research Activities hence provide Expertise in the marketing research activities.
  • External Marketing Research firms provide better MR services at lower costs and in less time.
  • These external Marketing Research companies have more input data and more refined information which is perhaps unavailable to the company.
  • External Marketing Research Agencies are expert in all the activities of marketing research and sometimes they provide better interpretations and recommendations as compared to internal suppliers.
  • Facilities provided by the External Marketing Research Agencies doesn't contribute to the competitive edge of the company as such Marketing Research services are free for use to any conpany.
  • Services provided by External Marketing Research Agencies are compartively more economical as compared to internal marketing research supplier.
Syndicated Services :
  • Marketing Research Agencies who operate independently, collect information,specific and relevant for a particular industry and provide it to clients who had subscribed to such services.
  • Such services include Trend Analysis and Projections for the overall industry.
  • The information is exclusive to the subscriber only.
  • Provide Generic and unbiased information as the data is collected not for a specific company.

Standardized Services:
  • Marketing Research Agencies which follow a standardized methods of Research process for specific problems or requirement of Marketing Research it is called standardized marketing research services.
  • Such services can provide information to specific marketing problems like (effectiveness of advertising and sales promotion activities,brand awareness of different products,etc.)
  • The major advantages of standardized services is that as the information is done in standardized manner the results can be compared, even among competitors and hence provide analytical insight in to the problems.
  • Consume less time but at the same time not customized.
Customized Services:-
  • Certain marketing research agencies provide a variety of MR services which can be planned and modified according to the customer's specific requirements.
  • Such customized services only address specific problems or situation which are of great interest to the company.
  • Such services are expensive but the results obtained are more reliable and specific to the user.

Internet Marketing Research Agencies:-

Internet marketing research agencies are virtual organization, which provide MR facilities through net.
They collect data through the websites or online questionnaire from the sample.

Limited Service Provider:-

  • These agencies expertise in one or more steps of marketing research process.
  • Such agencies can be utilized for steps like collection of data through surveys, data entry operations in softwares, tabulation of data, analysis of collected data etc.
  • These limited service provider helps in reducing time of total Marketing research activity.
  • Such agencies have their own workforce which they utilize for such activities for different clients hence they can complete these marketing research steps efficiently and in a economic manner.

Monday, December 7, 2009


  • Create Consistency in Purpose and Plan.
  • Adopt New Philosohy of Quality
  • End the Practice of Mass Inspection
  • Identify Problems and Work Continuosly for Improvements in System.
  • Change Focus from Quantity to Quality
  • Don't Expect or Ask for Productivity Improvements without Identifying and Providing Systems and Methods to Achieve Them, without any Risk to Quality.
  • Encourage Training On the Job.
  • Stop Selecting Suppliers Only on the Basis of Low Price.
  • Remove work standard which establish numerical Quatas.
  • Drive Out Fear From Mind of People and Encourage Open Communication.
  • Eliminate Barriers to the Pride of Workmanship.
  • Remove Barriers Between Departments.
  • Institute Vigrous Education and Training in Employees
  • Create Appropriate Management Structure to Implement and Follow the Above Mentioned Points

Sunday, December 6, 2009


"You Can't Solve Today's Problem by Solutions of Yesterday"

" It is Always Dangerous to Have an Immature Guide in The Darkness of Woods"



  • STEP-1 Necessity of Information :-

This is the first step in Research until there is no requirement to know there can't be any research, when a manager or researcher realise the fact he need an information ( for any cause) then only research will be initiated.

Until You Don't Want to Know Anything You will not go for Conducting Any Research.

  • STEP-2 Problem Definition and Identifying Specifically what Information is Required:-

A Problem Well Defined is Solution Half Done

so if the researcher or manager is able to formulate the problem well, he will be able to find out what specific information is required otherwise, at the end he will be having a wrong set of data resulting in to irrelevant conclusions or solutions.

STEP-3 Defining the Objectives of Research :-

If you know what specific problem you have and what specific information you require then you can very well define the objective of research. The objective of research is a statement of problem and what you are expecting from the research.

If objective of research is not well defined it will result in to wastage of resources available.Will be time consuming and expensive, will yield half baked result which can harm better than doing any good.

Research Objective will help us follow the next steps in right perspectives...............

  • STEP-4 Designing Research Methodology

The research objective will help you find out the appropriate research design, which is a frame work or blue print of the research which will guide the researcher in the right direction in the process of conducting the research.

Following Research Designs can be followed

Explorative Research

Descriptive Research

Conclusive Research

Analytical Research

Experimental Research

Causal Research

  • STEP-5 Secondary Research :-

Research which is based on the data or information already collected by someone for some other use, which is available to the researcher and is relevant for the current topic of study.

  • STEP-6 Analyse the data:-

Ascertain problem is real and not imaginary.
Solutions can be formulated from the secondary data or not
Is there any requirement for conducting primary research or not

  • STEP-7 Primary Research

Research which is conducted based on the data collected by the researcher specifically for the topic under study.
Plan and formulate primary research
Conduct Primary Research

  • STEP-8 Tabulation and analysing of data ( primary and secondary) :-

Using vaious mathematical tables and tools of analysis like

Bar charts, graphs, spread sheets etc and regression analysis , correlation analysis, Chi square test etc.

  • STEP-9 Interpretation and Report Preparation

Based on the results of various scientific or mathematical tests, we can come to a conclusion and prepare report, which is the final document in the research. ( can see the topic in specific blogpost)

  • STEP-10 Presentation:-

Report Presentation is the way of communication by which the enduser of the research can know what is there for them and enhance their understanding in less time at the same time their doubts can be cleared and reasonably good decisons can be taken by them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Definition Of Quality

Quality can be defined as the ability of a product or service to fulfill the need and expectations of the consumer/buyer/customer.

Quality can also be defined as The totality of features and characterstics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs"

so we can find that quality encmpass two major components
One the Satisfaction of the Customer and Second the Ability of the Offering.

Quality can also be defined as Conformance to Customer's requirements..

steps of quality cycle or conformance to customer's requirement

1 Know the needs and specifications of the customer
2 Plan how to produce such offerings with predetermined features and characterstics
3 Design and conduct capability testing and do as planned
4 Produce and measure the quality characterstics and decide conformance
5 Deliver the offering with right communication
6 Identify changes for improvement or corrective and preventive actions for non coformance

Total Quality Managment Can be defined as .............

Quality as judged by customer/ consumers

Customer evaluate the quality of the product/ service on following parameters or factors

Performance:- How a product or service is able to perform the primary task.
Durability:- Product should be durable i.e should be useable for appropriate lifespan and can withstand normal wear through operation.
Reliable:- Shouldn't go out of operation and can give consistent performance.
Serviceability:- Convenience of getting service done.
Aesthetics:- Style preferred by consumer.
Percieved Quality:- Should be able to fulfill all expected factors of quality.
Timing:- Should be made available to customer at right time.
Accuracy:- Should be according to stated specification and its working should be precise/ accurate according to use
Timeliness:- Service and repair should be less time consuming

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



survey technique is a method of collecting primary data through a interactive process where researcher contact subject to obtain facts, attitudes and opinions, usually with the help of questionnaire.under survey data is collected from a representative sample population or universe under study.
Very popular technique of data collection as many different data can be collected at the same time.

Methods of conducting survey

Telephonic Survey
Data is collected through telephone or mobile phone.
No face to face interaction hence even sensitive issues can be discussed.
Takes less time.
Restricted only to telephone and mobile user.
Can't ascertain wether the responses are influenced or geniune.
Can't ascertain whether actual respondents is being contacted or not.
Responses can be vague as respondents seriousness or interest can't be validated.

Self Administered Survey
Respondents fill the details in the questionnaire by themself.
Respondents can hide their identity and hence can give more indepth data, at the same time can give too vague answers.
Respondents can leave the questionnaire incomplete or doesn't fill at all.
Absence of interviewer can help the respondents in uninterupted thinking.
Such questionnaire can be

Mail Survey
Face to Face Interview
Internet Survey
Focus Group



Exploratory Research is a research which is conducted at the preliminary stage to explore, discover new ideas to understand the problem at hand.Exploratory Research is often conducted because a problem has not been clearly defined as yet , or its real scope is unclear, Exploratory research is qualitative in nature rather than quantitative i.e exploratory research doesn't target large sample size and is not used for drawing out conclusions.

Exploratory research is done to allow the researcher to familiarize him with the problem or concept to be studied, it helps to understand the problem and define it and generate Hypothesis which can be analysed or tested by other means later.

Exploratory research helps to determine the best research design, data collection methods and selection of subjects

Sometimes exploratory research helps prove to conclude that problem doesn't exist at all.

When to conduct Exploratory Research?

when reserarcher doesn't have enough information to be able to formulate a problem precisely.

when the problem is totally new of which researcher doesn't have any insight.

It helps to know trends in the market to take a decisive action.

Anohter common reason for conducting exploratory research is to test concepts before they are put in the market place, which are always costly endeavour.

Exploratory research can be quite informal relying on secondary data such as reviewing available literature or data or qualitative apporachs such as discussions with suppliers, customers etc.

Results of exploratory research are not usually considered for decision making by themselves, but they can provide significant insight in to given situation.

Results of exploratory research can' t be generalized and represent the ideas or opinions of whole population.

Characterstics of exploratory research....


Research which is carried out to provide information about a behaviour/ phenomenon/ reaction of a population or universe under study is known as descriptive research.
Descriptive research tells about who, when, where and how about it but it is not concerned with the Reason behind such behaviours.
Under descriptive research we only record a particular behaviour/ reaction/ phenomenon as it happens and doesn't try to establish what are the factors behind it.
Descriptive research only provide a systematic description which is factual and accurate as possible along with the frequency of the occurrence.
Descriptive research are rigid and structured hence careful observation and recording is very imperative.

Methods of Descriptive Research

The descriptive research can be conducted by two methods
Observation and Survey

Observation Methods

Method of data collection where there is no requirement of personal interaction between researcher and the subject, and behaviours or reactions are required to be recorded as it happens under normal or experimental settings. Data can be recorded by human, mechanical, electrical, or electronic means. With the help of observation technique qualitative or quantitative data can be collected.

Methods of observations

There are six different ways of classifying observation methods

1) Participant and Non Participant observation:-
Observation technique when observer/ researcher becomes a part of the system to observe the behaviour e.g mystery shopper/ or observer becoming customer in a mall, such technique is known as participant observation.
Under non participant observation method researcher doesn't become part of the system and record the observations even not being a part of the situation

advantages of participant observation
researcher can be a part of the situation and can experience the settings of the system.
being a part he can observe things from a close proximity even without being noticed by the subject.
researcher can find out more in depth knowledge under the guise of a participant of the system.

Disadvantages of participant observation method
researcher can be detected by the subjects and it fails the objective of research.
recording the behaviours as it happens can't be done in systematic manner as it rely on the memory of the researcher.

2 ) Obtrusive and UN obtrusive observation method

When subject can detect that they are being observed it is obtrusive observation method e.g installing CCTV, microphones etc, unobtrusive observation method when the behaviours are recorded through indirect methods e.g analysing purchase records of a consumer from supermarket bills or credit cards usage.

Disadvantages of obtrusive methods of observations
subject can change its behaviour as they become conscious when they know, they are being observed.

3) Observation under natural or contrived settings

observations which are done under natural settings e.g actual places like shopping malls, restaurants where subjects are already present for there own reasons, the factors governing their behaviours are not being controlled or stimulated, where as under contrived settings the situations like actual or natural settings are developed so as to conduct a research. e.g creation of a model shop and offering cash or product free of cost to assess the buying behaviours of consumers.
Advantage and Disadvantage observation under natural settings
Under natural settings observer can't control the speed of behaviours.
No influencing variables are under control of researcher.
The behaviours are natural or normal as subject is unaware of the fact that he is being observed.

Advantages and disadvantages of observation under contrived settings
Researcher can control the speed and number of observations.
More data can be collected from the subject by way of interview.
Subject may not show their actual behaviour as they know they are being observed.
May give wrong data so as to show them in good light.

4) Disguised Or non disguised observation

Non Disguised observation when subject know or detect that they are being observed, whereas under disguised observation subject doesn't know that they are being observed, or they are unaware of the real objective of the observation.

advantages and disadvantages of non disguised observation
subject being aware of the fact that they are being observed may provide better details to the researcher but at same time being conscious they may alter actual reply or responses

advantages and disadvantages of disguised observation
subject being unaware of the fact that they are not being observed represent actual behaviour or reaction. Can reflect or express details of sensitive issues as they don't know the real objective of research.

5) Structured and Un structured observations

When researcher uses or refer a predetermined checklist or note only predetermined aspects of a behaviours it is known as structured observation.
where as when observer rely on his expertise and knowledge to give weight age to any aspect of behaviour it is termed as unstructured observation.

Structured observations give more accurate data in terms or recording and frequency.
It is beneficial for observer as he just have to record happening or non happening and doesn't depend on his justification.
Can be analysed more quickly as ranges are predetermined.

unstructured observation methods can be more beneficial when researcher can also record the accompanying factors which influenced the behaviours.
can be more tedious as researcher will have to think to record a particular behaviour as significant.
classifying and analysing will be difficult as so many subjective parameters will be there because of too many researcher.

6) Direct and Indirect observation method

Direct observation is when behaviours are recorded as they happen where as in case of indirect observation method the behaviours are recorded after they happened.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Marketing Research

Marketing Research

Definition:- American Marketing Association has defined Marketing Research as follows:- Marketing research is the function which links the consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information-
information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions, monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of market as a process

Definition :- Marketing Research is a systematic and continuous process of collecting data, classifying it to analyse and convert in to a relevant information and interpreting it to achieve better decision making in Marketing of service and products, marketing research helps in identifying situations in market which can be utilized for achieving business targets.
Marketing Research is scientific and systematic process and act as Management Information Tool.
Marketing research can be done to achieve the following objective

1 To help manager make strategies and make better tactical decisions
2 To find out a marketing problem, diagnose it.
3 To find out alternative solutions for marketing problems.
4 To find out suitable alternative solution which can give the best results to the firm.,
5 To improve the knowledge of the marketing manager to take better decision making like conducting like forecasting changes in trend, sales forecasting, production planning, product improvement and modifications etc.
6 Marketing research also helps in finding new product ideas, conceptualizing ideas in to product or service offerings, positioning the product and other such marketing issues.

Research Proposal

Definition:- Research proposal is a formal proposal made by research company or research consultant or researchers who are interested in doing the research. Research proposal are made to give the overview of the research plan made by them it, research proposal highlight various aspects of the research.

Research proposal are made to fulfill following objectives
1) To tell the client or organization or the institution what the researcher is promising to accomplish.

2) To make the client or organization or the institution understand the various steps, researcher is going to follow in the research like

  • Problem Definition
  • What will be research design
  • Description of the sampling process, sample size etc
  • Methodlogies which will be followed for collection, classification and analysing the data etc
  • Research proposal also highlight the methods of interpretation of the data and conversion of data in to meaningful information.
  • To give appropriate details of time required to complete the research.
  • To provide the client with the details of funds required for the study.
  • To give the details of terms and conditions of payment. or to request the grants required or budget requested.
  • To give clear picture of the research its objective.

Research Proposal should avoid the following mistakes

1 It should give clear picture of all aspects of the research, and should avoid misunderstanding and confusion.

2 Should be made in simple and easy to understand language, using unneccessary jargon or technical language will only make it difficult to understand.

3 All the details like the research design, sampling methods etc should not be ambiguous

4 Avoid omissions, any thing missed out in the proposal can cost you very dearly as once the porposal is accepted, the term and condtions will be defined accordingly and any changes will be very difficult at later stage.Anything which is not specified by the researcher will not be provided.

Evaluation of any Research Proposal should be done keeping in mind the following.

Client should analyse the research proposal thoroughly to ensure that there are no false promises or fake objective listed in the proposal.

client should always check that whatever the researcher is asking for can be provided to them ( like budget, time and anyother resources)

In case of any doubt clarifications should be sought some times the information required for conducting the research is available internally in the company.

Client should go through the terms and conditions,as once accepted the client has to fulfill the considerations.

Parts of Research Proposal

Executive Summary :- Executive Summary is the summary of all the important points covered in the Proposal. The executive summary is made for the top officials who doesn't have enough time to go through the total details. In case they wanted to go through further details they can refer the detailed sections in the proposal it self.

Background :- Background details highlights the environmental and other related factors under the influence of which the research will be conducted. It may include details of cultural , social, economical and trends in the envirnment.

Problem Definition/Objective of the research:-

Approach to the problem

Research Design :- This section provide the details like what information will be required to undertake the study.

It also tells about types of research required to be undertaken like Exploratory, Descriptive or causal research etc.

It enlist specific procedures that will be adopted for measurement and scaling.

It will also list out the sampling procedures that will be followed along with methods of data collection, size of sample etc.

Data Collection Method:- This part specifically describe about the methods of data collection i.e how the data will be collected, who will collect it,time required for data collection and field surveys etc.

Data Analysis :- This part specify that how collected data will be analysed and how the data will be interpreted and converted into information required for drawing out conclusions.

Reporting:- This part specify whether the reports will be given at the last stage or can be given on intermediate basis.It also specify the details of presentation of the report and timeliness of reports and presentations.

Cost and Time factors:- It covers the costs involved in the projects at various stages and level. A CPM or PERT chart can also be included. Payment schedule is also provided.

Appendices and Addenda:- Any detailed information which is relevant and of the interest of the client, or any other information which might be required by the client during the negotiations of the projects

Research Report

Research report is the final document, which is formulated to depict the findings of the research in a systematic manner,Research Report provide the conclusions, recommendations, suggestions to the end user to take any decisons on the topic.

A formal Research Report has following part( these parts are suggestive and reports can have many other parts depending on the topic and type of research).

Executive Summary

Table of Contents



Research Objectives

Background details of the topic

Research Methodologies giving details about Sample Designs, Field Work Plan and dates.Analysis and expected outcome etc. Details of Questionnaire and relevant information.

Classifucation and Analysis of Data


Limitations : the limiting factors which might have effected the research process in any way.

Recommendations, conclusions or suggestions:- Statement which states suggestive decisons or recommendation of action the end user can take based on the research, or statement reflecting the outcome or conclusion of the research i.e acceptance or rejection of a hypothesis etc.

Bibliography and list of refernces:- list of various books, literature sources( journal, magzines etc) websites etc from which any relvant data is picked.

Annexures :- The copies of questionnaires used in survey or interviews, Spread sheets used in classifying the data etc

Monday, September 21, 2009


Difference in Secondary data and primary Data

secondary data is any data whch have been collected earlier for some other purpose but can be used for current research requirements.

Primary data is data which is gathered a fresh specifically for a current research problem. Primary data is specific to the problem whereas secondary data can be used but not specific for the research problem.

2) Secondary data is easily available and is economical as secondary dat is either available within in the organisation in the form of various reports or as data of researches done earlier.
Secondary data is also available from out side organisations from various sources of Governmental gazettes and statistical reports
primary data is expensive as it require thorough planning and more time and energy is required to collect and analyse the data.

3) Secondary data is good for explorative research I.e for better understanding of the topic, to define the problem or hypothesis etc where as primary data which is specifically collected is suitable for quantitative or conclusive or causal research.

4) Secondary data is almost available to all even to the competitors as well hence can't give any competitive advantage, primary data is available only to the company hence can be used as competitive advantages.

5) Secondary data is collected at an earlier time hence sometimes it becomes irrelevant as it loses its timeliness. or become outdated for the purpose. Primary data is collected a fresh hence give current picture and is more relevant.

6) Reliablity of secondary data and its accuracy lies with the originator hence researcher has to rely on the originator or verify it on its own, where as primary data is collected by the researcher himself hence reliablity and accuracy level required can be defined by himself only

Sunday, June 7, 2009



Apples/ Mangoes 100gms
Pineapple/Pears 100gms
Grapes ( white/ black) 100gms
Cherries 12 nos
Papaya 50gms
Fresh Cream 200ml
Vanilla Essence few drops
Milk Chocolate/ Dark Chocolate 100gms
Honey 30 ml
Almonds 25gms
Cashewnuts 25gms
Mint Leaves few
Icing sugar/ Powdered Sugar 10gms


  • Cut all the fruits in small dices
  • Lightly beat cream till light and fluffy along with vanilla essence and sugar.
  • Roast and sliver almonds and cashewnuts
  • De seed cherries
  • In a bowl add fruits and coat it with cream.
  • Place the mixture in serving bowls or coupe.
  • Sprinkle half of the nuts and honey on top.
  • Melt chocolate in double boiler or use chocolate sauce and pour on top.
  • Sprinkle rest of the nuts and honey on top.
  • Garnish it with mint leaves and cherry.
  • Serve Chilled not referigerated
( please note not to add too much of vanilla essence/ sugar / honey and let the flavors remain subtle)



  • OIL 15 ML

  • Finely chop ginger and onion.
  • Heat oil in a pan and fry ginger and onion for a minute, turn off the flame
  • Add rest of the ingredient and mix well.

( in case you don't have chilli oil mix 25 ml of oil with 5 gms chilli flakes)

Thursday, April 30, 2009



  1. Karela/ Bitter Gourd - 8-10 ( 5oo gms)
  2. Onions - 200gms
  3. Button Onions- 200gms
  4. Mustard Oil - 100 ml
  5. Red chilly powder - 3gms
  6. Turmeric Powder - a thick pinch
  7. Fenugreek Seeds/ Methi Dana - 2gms
  8. Fennel Seeds/ Saunf - 2 gms
  9. Salt - To taste.

  • Method
  • Wash bitter gourd and peel off the skin, trim the ends and slit the bitter gourd lengthwise and scoop off all the seeds and pulp from inside.
  • Rub salt in and out of the bitter gourd and mix salt with the peel and seeds.
  • Finely chop onions and peel skin of button onions and make two gashes but do not cut button onions.
  • After around two hours wash the bitter gourd and remove excess water and salt from the peel mixture.
  • In a thick bottomed pan add a teaspoon of mustard oil and let it heat for sometime so that it can smoke and its smell can be removed.
  • Add Fenugreek seeds, Fennel seeds and fry chopped onions along with the peels and seeds of bitter gourd, add salt, turmeric powder and red chilly powder.
  • Fry for some time ( around 5 minutes ) and remove, stuff this mixture in the bitter gourd and secure with a string.
  • Heat remaining mustard oil and after smoking it, add bitter gourds and cook at high heat for a minute, then lower the flame and cook for 10 minutes on a slow flame.
  • Turn the sides and add the button onions after rubbing a small amount of salt, turmeric and red chilly powder.
  • Cook for another 10 minutes serve hot after removing the strings.



  1. Curd- 500ml
  2. Besan/ gram flour- 25gms(optional)
  3. Cumin Seeds / jeera- 1/2 tsp \ 2.5gms
  4. Fenugreek seeds/ methi dana - 2gms
  5. Mustard Seeds / kali sarson- 3gms
  6. Heeng - a thick pinch
  7. Coriander Seeds/ Dhaniya - 3 gms
  8. Coconut oil / refined oil- 30 ml
  9. Curry leaves / kadi patta- 15-20 leaves
  10. Whole Red chillies- 8 small
  11. Coconut - 25 gms
  12. Garlic - 4 flakes
  13. Green chillies- 3-4
  14. Turmeric/ Haldi - A pinch ( optional)
  15. Red Chilly Powder- a pinch
  16. Salt - to taste
  17. Sugar - to taste


  • Whisk curd and gram flour and keep aside for some time.
  • Slightly crush the coriander seeds.
  • Finely slice coconut and wash curry leaves thoroughly.
  • Finely chop green chillies, garlic.
  • Heat oil in thick bottomed pan, when oil is hot add Mustard seeds,fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds,whole red chillies,Heeng,Cumin seeds when it crackles add thinly sliced coconuts,curry leaves and finely chopped green chillies.
  • Fry for a minute till the curry leaves and coconut is crispy.
  • Add the curd mixture and add a little water, add salt,red chilly powder,sugar and turmeric.
  • cook for another 5 minutes serve hot

Note:- this shorba is excellent for summers as it has cooling and refreshing effect and enhance sweating which helps in regulating body temperature.

secondly this shorba contains all the tastes Like Sourness of curd, sweetness of coconuts and sugar, savoryness of the spices and salt, Astringet qualities of curry leaves, bitterness of fenugreek, curry leaves.



  1. Milk - 1Lt
  2. Rice Flour - 75gms
  3. Sugar - 120gms
  4. Green Cardamom - 5 no
  5. Almonds - 10gms
  6. Raisins - 10gms
  7. Pistachio - 5gms
  8. Kewra essence - Few drops


  • Boil milk in kadhai , take around 100 ml of warm milk and dissolve the rice flour to make a paste.
  • Add the rice flour paste in boiling milk and simmer for around 20 minutes.
  • Roughly cut the nuts and powder the green cardamom, add in the milk
  • Add sugar and cook for another 10 minutes or till desired consistency is achieved.
  • Finally add kewra essence and pour the phirni in Coupe.
  • Serve chilled garnished with slivered nut.

Saturday, April 18, 2009



Clarified Butter-100gms
Green Cardamom- 5gms
Powdered Sugar - 115gms
Curd - 20ml
Soda Bi Carbonate- a pinch
Ammonium Bicarbonate- 1/4 tsp
Almonds - 10 gms
Green Pistachio - 10gms


  • Cream sugar and clarified butter along with curd, crushed cardamom seeds, ammonium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate.
  • Sieve Flour and sprinkle over creamed mixture, lightly knead to form a dough.
  • Finely chop the dry fruits and mix in the dough, retain a small amount for garnishing.
  • Divide in to 20 equal portions and make smooth round balls.
  • Arrange the balls in to greased tray and decorate with chopped nuts and make it rest for 3min.
  • Bake in oven at 300 deg ft for 35 minutes



Refined flour- 450gms
Fresh Yeast-10gms
Milk Powder- 10gms
Salt- 5gms
Sugar- 15gms

For Filling

Coriander Leaves- 1 Bunch
Green Chillies- 15-16
Salt and Pepper- To taste
Chilly Powder- To Taste


  • Make a soft dough with all the ingredients of the bread ( Using the Straight Dough Method)
  • proof for half an hour
  • Finely chop onion,green chillies and green coriander, mix it along with red chilly powder,salt and pepper and butter.
  • Divide the dough in to 16 pieces and roll into a disc shape or around 4 inches diameter.
  • Apply little water on one side and roll it over the filling and proof for 30 minutes.
  • Bake at 400 deg Ft for 10-12 minutes and serve hot.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



1 Rice- 200gms
2 Oil - 90ml
3 Vinegar- 120ml
4 Cayenne Pepper- a pinch
5 Pimentos- 100gms
6 Onions- 200gms
7 Tomatoes- 400gms
8 Fresh Parsley- one bunch
9 Salt - To taste


1 Boil and drain rice.
2 Mix oil, salt and pepper, season with Cayenne pepper.
3 Finely chop onions, cut pimentos in to thin strips.
4 Cut tomatoes in to quarters, remove seeds and juice and cut into thin strips.
5 Mix all the ingredients together.
6 Serve garnished with chopped parsley



1 Potatoes 400gms
2 Butter 40gms
3 Oil 40gms
4 Salt and pepper - to taste
5 Nutmeg - a pinch
6 Flour- 10gms
7 Coarse salt- a small quantity for dredging


1 wash and scrub potatoes and coat it with the mixture of oil and coarse salt.
2 Bake the potatoes in a hot oven for 1.5hrs.
3 Cut the potatoes and scoop of the pulp and mash it with a fork.
4 Add seasoning, grated nutmeg and butter and mix thoroughly.
5 Mold in to small medallions make a criss cross on the top with knife's blunt edge.
6 Fry in butter from all sides until golden brown.
7 Serve in a hot dish garnished with a dot of melted butter or chopped parsley.

Sunday, April 5, 2009



Chicken 1 Kg
Onions 250gms
Ginger 10gms
Garlic 10gms
Tomatoes 200gms
Green chillies 15gms
Soaked Poppy seeds 100gms
Cream 100ml
Salt to taste
Green Coriander 50gms
Chilly Powder 5gms
Coriander Powder 5gms
Turmeric Powder 3gms
Oil/Butter 50gms
Cashew Nuts 75gms


1 Clean and cut chicken into small Pieces( 8 Pieces for a chicken)
2 Grind together onion,garlic,ginger,and green chillies.
3 Chop coriander and tomatoes.
4 Boil and grind poppy seeds to paste.
5 Boil and grind cashew nuts to paste.
6 Heat fat and fry ground masala , add chilli powder, turmeric powder and coriander powder and continue frying.
7 Add chicken pieces and cook for some time( 5 minutes)
8 Add sufficient water to cook chicken.
9 When chicken is cooked add cashew nuts paste.
10 Garnish with cream and chopped coriander.



Fresh Spinach 800gms
Ginger 15gms
Oil/Butter 100gms
Butter 5ogms
Fennel 1/2 tsp
Cardamom 4no
Onions 300gms
Milk 50ml
Salt To Taste
Chilli Powder 3gms
Garam Masala 1 pinch


1 Pick wash and cut spinach in to thin slievers.
2 Peel ginger and cut in to thin strips or julienne
3 Heat oil and butter in a pan , put fennel and cardamom when crackle add ginger and sliced onions till golden brown.
4 Add spinach and let it cook, when it wilts reduce the flame, stir occasionally, add chilli powder and cook for half an hour.
5 Add milk and mix, sprinkle garam masala and cook uncovered for some time.
6 Serve garnished with fried juliennes of ginger and sprinkle garam masala.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Recipe Swedish Meat Balls

Sno                Ingredients               Quantity

1                      Onions                        50gms
2                      Oil                              10 ml
3                      Bread crumbs            50 grams
4                      Milk                            100ml
5                      Beaten eggs              2no
6                      Ground Meat             600 grams
7                      Nutmeg                     a pinch
8                      All spice                    a pinch
9                      salt and pepper         to taste.
10                    Brown Sauce             350 ml
11                    light Cream               100 ml


1)    Finely chop onions and sauté in oil till tender and soft, no browning should be done.
2)    Mix bread crumbs, milk and beaten eggs and leave if for at least 15 minutes.
3)    Mix the sautéed onions, bread crumbs mixture, ground meat, spices and salt.
4)    Make small balls of around 60 grams each and place over a baking sheet.
5)    Cook the balls in over at 200 degree celsius for around 10 minutes.
6)    Remove meat balls and place in a pan, add brown sauce and cream over top and cook at around 150 degree Celsius for 30 to 45 minutes.

7)    Skim excess fat and serve hot with the sauce.              

Recipe Regan Mian Noodles

Sno            Ingredients                             Quantity 1.                   Fresh boiled noodles               150 gms ...