Thursday, March 26, 2009

Recipe Swedish Meat Balls

Sno                Ingredients               Quantity

1                      Onions                        50gms
2                      Oil                              10 ml
3                      Bread crumbs            50 grams
4                      Milk                            100ml
5                      Beaten eggs              2no
6                      Ground Meat             600 grams
7                      Nutmeg                     a pinch
8                      All spice                    a pinch
9                      salt and pepper         to taste.
10                    Brown Sauce             350 ml
11                    light Cream               100 ml


1)    Finely chop onions and sauté in oil till tender and soft, no browning should be done.
2)    Mix bread crumbs, milk and beaten eggs and leave if for at least 15 minutes.
3)    Mix the sautéed onions, bread crumbs mixture, ground meat, spices and salt.
4)    Make small balls of around 60 grams each and place over a baking sheet.
5)    Cook the balls in over at 200 degree celsius for around 10 minutes.
6)    Remove meat balls and place in a pan, add brown sauce and cream over top and cook at around 150 degree Celsius for 30 to 45 minutes.

7)    Skim excess fat and serve hot with the sauce.              



1 French Beans 200 gms
2 Potatoes 200 gms
3 Oil 25 ml
4 Vinegar 50ml
5 Mustard Powder A pinch
6 Anchovy/ Sardines 4 nos
7 Tomatoes 50gms
8 Olives 4-5


1 String beans and cut in to batons.
2 Peel potatoes and cut in to batons.
3 Cut tomatoes in quarters,remove seeds and pips.
4 Cook beans and potatoes in salted water separately, drain but do not refresh.
5 Fillet the fish and cut in to fingers.
6 Mix Oil, vinegar,salt,pepper and mustard and prepare dressing.
7 Mix french beans and potatoes and dress it.
8 Serve chilled garnished with tomatoes, fillet of fish and slice olives.



1 Chicken 220gms
2 Potatoes 75gms
3 Mayonnaise 100ml
4 Cream 75ml
5 Lemon Juice 10ml
6 Salt and Pepper To Taste
7 Lettuce 1 Bunch


1 Clean and cook chicken in salted water.
2 Cut in to thick long strips.
3 Peel and cut potatoes in long strips.
4 Dress the chicken and potatoes with seasoned mixture of mayonnaise, Lemon juice and cream.
5 Serve chilled on a bed of finely sliced lettuce or in a salad bowl lined with lettuce leave

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



1 Chicken Legs 4
2 Garlic 15gms
3 Butter 50gms
4 Tomato Puree 120ml
5 Salt and Pepper To taste
6 Potatoes 250gms
7 Zucchini/ Marrow 250gms
8 Parsley For Garnishing


1 clean and season chicken.
2 Saute in Butter.
3 In the same pan add chopped garlic and saute, add tomato puree and cook for 10-15 minutes, add seasoning.
4 Add chicken and cook for 5 minutes on a slow fire.
5 Cut the potatoes in fingers and deep fry in hot oil.
6 Cut the Zucchini/Marrow in to thick dices.
7 Cook the vegetable in salted water and then saute in butter.
8 Arrange chicken garnished with chopped parsley, in dinner plate at center with potato fingers and sauted vegetables at side



1 Tomatoes 500gms
2 Potatoes 150gms
3 Onion 60gms
4 Butter 60gms
5 Rice 60gms
6 Bayleaf 1
7 Parsley Few sprigs
8 Pepper corn 10
9 Salt and Pepper To Taste
10 Cream 100ml
11 Vegetable Stock 1250ml


1 Roughly chop tomatoes, potatoes, finely chop onions.
2 Saute chopped onion for five minutes and then add tomatoes and potatoes cook further for 10 minutes on a slow fire.
3 Add stock and seasoning along with Bayleaf, parsley, Pepper corn and rice.
4 Simmer for 45 minutes.
5 Pass through soup strainer adjust consistency and serve garnished with cream.



1 Chicken 100gms
2 Pineapple 50gms
3 Mayonnaise sauce 30ml
4 Cream 30ml
5 Tomato Sauce 10ml
6 Lemon Juice 10ml
7 Salt and Pepper To taste
8 Lemons for garnishing
9 Melon Half


1 Cook the chicken in salted water and cut in to thick fingers.
2 Cut pineapples in to small dices.
3 Mix mayonnaise, salt and pepper, cream, lemon juice,tomato sauce.
4 Mix all the ingredients together and arrange in emptied half melon.
5 serve chilled garnished with slices of lemon.

Monday, March 23, 2009



1 Risotto Rice 750gms
2 Onion 50gms
3 Saffron 1/2gms
4 Vegetable Stock 1litre
5 Butter 1.5 litre
6 Capsicum 50gms
7 Pimentos 50gms
8 Tomatoes 90gms
9 Oregano A pinch
10 Salt and Pepper To taste


1 finely chop onions and cut capsicum and pimentos in to thin juliennes.
2 Remove seeds and peeps from tomatoes and cut in to thin strips.
3 Pick,wash and drain rice.
4 Melt butter and sweat chopped onions for a five minutes.
5 Add rice and cook for another 5 minutes.
6 Add 500ml of stock and cook on a slow fire.
7 Add the juliennes of capsicum and pimentos and 500ml stock cook on a slow fire, when water is completely absorbed add rest of the stock along with saffron, sauted tomatoes and cook on a slow fire covered with a lid.
8 when done served garnished with chopped basil.



1 Chicken 1.5 kg
2 Button Mushroom 125gms
3 Red Pimentos 125gms
4 Butter 150gms
5 Flour 60gms
6 Egg Yolks 4no
7 Cream 100ml
8 Salt and Pepper To taste
9 Onion 25gms
10 Turnips 25gms
11 Celery 25gms
12 Carrots 25gms
13 Rice 150gms


1 Clean and cut chicken in to four large pieces.
2 Cut Onion,Turnips, celery and carrots in to roughly chop dices.
3 Cook chicken in water along with salt and chopped carrots, celery,turnips and onion.
4 When done cut the chicken in to thick slices and reserve stock.
5 Slice mushrooms and pimentos and saute in 30gms of butter.
6 Make blonde roux with 60 gms of refined flour and butter.
7 Mix the chicken stock and roux to form a thin sauce.
8 Add sauted mushrooms and pimentos in sauce.
9 Cook the sliced chicken in 30gms of butter.
10 Check seasoning of sauce and mix in with sliced chicken.
11 Boil rice and toss in melted butter( 30gms)
12 Make a liaison of egg yolks and cream and add it in to the chicken,
13 serve the chicken in a platter with a border of rice and sprinkled with freshly chopped parsley.


Bulgarian Salad

1 Apples 200gms
2 Pineapples 300gms
3 Mint 60gms
4 Salad Oil 200ml
5 Vinegar 60ml
6 French Mustard 1 Tsp
7 Salt and Pepper To Taste


1 Cut apples and pineapples into cubes
2 Finely chop mint
3 Mix ingredients together together and dress with french dressing.
4 Serve chilled on bed of shredded lettuce or salad greens

Recipe Puree Paramentiere

Puree Paramenetiere

1 Potatoes 1kg
2 Butter 100gms
3 Leek 100gms
4 Milk 250ml
5 vegetable stock 1.5lt
6 Parsley few sprigs
7 Salt and Pepper To Taste
8 cinnamon a pinch


1 Roughly chop potatoes and leeks
2 Melt butter ( 50%) in a thick bottomed pan or stock pot and add chopped leeks and cook on a slow fire till leeks become soft and translucent.
3 Add chopped potatoes and cook for some time , add stock and cook for 45 minutes on a slow fire.
4 Pass from soup strainer and correct consistency with milk.
5 Check seasoning
6 Serve hot garnished with butter,chopped parsley and sprinkled cinnamon powder.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Meat is the muscle tissues of domesticated or wild animal.It includes lamb, mutton, pork, beef, veal and all game.

The meat can be classified as

Red Meat:- Flesh which turns into Reddish color on cooking.Beef.Mutton
White Meat:- Flesh which turns into White color on cooking. e.g Chicken

Composition of Meat

Water:- 75%
Protein:-20 %
Water:- 5% excluding the surface fat.

Due to high percentage of water weight loss and shrinkage of meat is significant problem while cooking meats.

Protein due to application of heat coagulates and releases water hence meat becomes tougher due to high temperatures and longer cooking methods.

Fat is the only source of flavor in meat, fat helps in preventing water loss and give a moist product.

Fat is also embedded as small flakes in muscles tissues known as marbling, marbling helps in tenderizing meat as it melts during cooking, separating the muscles fibers.


Some amount of Carbohydrates in meat helps in browning and developing flavor in meats, it is only because of carbohydrates the meat is able to get its characteristic brown color and aroma when it is roasted, braised. etc

Rigor Mortis:- A natural process of stiffening of carcass and muscles due enzymatic action. In Rigor Mortis the Actin and Myosin present in muscles react, resulting into contraction or stiffening of muscles, this effect subsides later on resulting into a more tender product.

Beef require more than 10 days for tenderizing throur Rigor Mortis.
Pork require only a day
Chicken require around 4 hrs
Veal and Lamb doesn't require as the meat is naturally tender and deoesn't have much of connective tissues.

These natural enzymes are

Active at room temperature
Slow under referigeration
Dormant under freezing condition
Destroyed by temperatures above 60 deg centigrates.

The tenderness of meat depends on the connective tissues and protein present in flesh.

The amount of connective tissue increases with age and exercise of the animal.Due to age the collagen become more insoluble and with increased exercise the collagen toughens.
There are two types of connective tissues present in meat Collagen( white) and Elastin (yellow).

Muscles fibers are composed of muscle fibers bound together in bundles with the help of connective tissues. each muscle fiber is also covered with connective tissue.

Knowing the amount of connective tissue in the piece of meat and the age of animal helps in choosing a suitable method of cooking.

of meat can be done by any of three methods

Mechanical Method

Grinding, mincing and chopping

Enzymatic Method

Papain from Raw Papya
Ficin from Figs
Brometin from Pineapple

some times these tenderizing enzymes are injected in the animals before slaughter.

Moist Heat

Meat can be tenderized even by moist and slow heating methods, due to moist heat the connective tissue get broken down into Gelatin and water.

Young animals have naturally tender meat as the muscle fibers are at growing stage, the connective tissues are less and more soluble.And the level of exercise is also very low.

as the animal grows the muscle fibers increases and the amount of connective tissues increases due to growth and exercise. The collagen also become more insoluble.

Amount of elastin grows with age and can't be tenderized, it can be removed or cut mechanically through methods like Cutting, mincing etc

Saturday, March 7, 2009


FISH( under const....)

Fish Meat

The fish meat is unique as compared to other meat even when the composition is same as red meat.

The Fish doesn't have much of connective tissues resulting into tender and delicate meat.Due to which fish can be cooked

With delicate methods of cooking.
Cooking can be done at lower temperatures.
Overcooking can happen easily.
The flesh disintegrates due to overcooking.


Round Fish:-Found usually on the surface of water
Flat Fish:- Found usually at bottom of water

Another Type of Classification

Lean Fish
Oily or Fat Fish

Basic Cuts of Fishes

Cravette:- A fillet of fish tied as knot ( a tie).

Darne:- A thick piece cut across the bone from middle, usually a round fish.

-Folded Fillet piece of fish.

En Tresse:- A fillet given a shape of braid.

En Lorgette
:- Fish is skinned and fillet are made but they are not disjointed from the head, the fillets are rolled towards the head.

:- A skinned and boneless piece of fish.

-Fish Fillets cut into thin pieces of 3inch*1/4inch, usually coated with egg batter and dredged before cooking.

La Paupiette:- Fillet which is rolled with a stuffing.

Supreme:- A large piece of fillet cut as a slant steak.

Troncon:-A steak of flat fish cut on bone.

Friday, March 6, 2009



- Poultry can be defined as domesticated birds, which are reared for their meat and eggs, examples include

  • Chicken
  • Duck
  • Goose
  • Guinea fowl
  • Pigeon
  • Turkey

The poultry meat is a white meat, as it turn whitish during cooking and is a good source of high quality protein, along with lesser amount of fat hence considered as a healthy meat as compared to other meats.

Poultry is a good source of Vitamins like Riboflavin, Niacin and Thiamine.

As compared to red meats the meat of poultry is tender and have a good taste and texture.

Cooking Guidelines for poultry

The young birds should be cooked with shorter cooking method as the amount of connective tissues are less and they are tender, so suitable cooking methods include

Roasting:- Poultry can be roasted but one should keep in mind that applying fat from outside helps in retaining moisture in the poultry, otherwise the product will be dry and shrunken.

Slow and roasting at lower temperature ensure a succulent final product.

Poultry can be seared to seal the edges to lock in the juices and giving excellent flavor to the product.

:- Frying is also a good method to cook young poultry as it is a short method

For frying the poultry should be cut into small pieces.
Coating the surface with a mixture of seasoned liquid and dredging it with flour /bread crumbs etc will give the final product a browned and crisp outside and soft and succulent inside retaining the actual flavors of the chicken.

Usually the chicken should be fried for 18-22 minutes ensuring the following points

The temperature of oil should be held appropriately as if the temperature is less then the outer coating will absorb too much oil resulting in to a soft and soggy outer and a dried meat inside as the moisture will not be locked in during the cooking.

similarly if the oil temperature is too high it will result in to over browning at outside and uncooked chicken inside.

- Best and quick method of cooking poultry especially boned meat, all the pieces should be cut in to equal size for even cooking. For proper cooking moderate to high heat will be required as when the meat is added in hot oil it will coagulate the outer surface forming a protective layering out side the chicken locking the meat juices.

Grilling:- The poultry can be cooked by grilling but better result will come from a young bird. The meat should be applied with external fat to prevent it from drying.

Fricasseeing:- In this method the chicken is cooked in flavored liquor at a low temperature for about 30-45 minutes, then the liquid is converted in to a sauce by thickening, the meat is cut in to smaller pieces coated in sauce served with it.

Poaching:- A delicate method of cooking poultry, after blanching the bird can be cooked in a flavored liquid ( containing a stock or broth, white wine,bouquet garni and herbs etc) the meat can be served with a sauce.

Steaming:- A good method for cooking older birds as the moist heat breakdown the tough connective tissues in to water and gelatin, giving a softer finished product.The main benefit of steaming is that it prevent nutrition loss. The drawback is that flavor enhancement is almost nil in steaming.Good for the recipes where cooked chicken will be required for mashing, creaming and using in salads.

Stewing:- A slow and efficient method for cooking older birds and hen. The slow cooking helps in enhancement of flavor by addition of flavor in the liquid, it also helps in tenderizing meat.

Classification of chicken

  • Single Baby Chicken:- Le Poussin :-250-300gms:-4-6 weeks
  • Small Roasting Chicken:Le Jeune Coq:350-600gms:-6-8 weeks
  • Medium Roasting Chicken: Le Poulet de Grain:-1000-1250gms:-8-12weeks
  • Large Roasting Chicken:-Le Poulet Reine :-1000-2000gms:-4-6months
  • Capon:Le Chapon:-2-4Kgs:-5-8monthd
  • Boiling Fowl: La Poule:-2-3Kgs:-12months

Thursday, March 5, 2009



A delicate, light, sweetened and a versatile bakery product.It is a baked emulsion of oil in water, Fat entraps the air to form foam , flour, sugar,eggs, flavorings agents, fruits and other ingredients like baking powder, milk, water etc.

  • Flour and eggs provide strength and structure to cake.
  • Sugars, fat and baking powder open the texture or make it a lighter product.
  • Milk and water close the texture.

Basic understanding of cake

Types of cake making methods

Batter Method:-

Sugar batter :-
fat and sugar is creamed together and air is incorporated.Then eggs are beaten into the mixture ( a small portion at on time).Finally flour is folded in the batter.

Flour Batter:- Fat and flour are mixed together. Eggs and sugar is beaten to soft peaks stage.Then the mixtures are folded together.

Foam Method:-
cake making method which relies on foaming characteristics of eggs, uses very little or no fat.

Chiffon Method:-
A combination of batter and foam method. Foam and batter are made separately and folded together for making cake.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


MERINGUES ( under const..........)

-Foam of egg whites and sugar, beaten with flavorings and baked to a desired consistency.sometimes can be used without baking.

It is a

nSoft light and delicious bakery product
Easy to make and can be used in wide variety of elegant products.

Understanding meringue

  • nTo make meringue we need to whip egg whites, nIt is like blowing air into a balloon.
  • nBeating or whisking causes the protein in the egg whites to unfold, forming films that trap the air bubbles.
  • nSugar stiffens the foam.
  • nA meringue foam which us a collection of bubbles.
  • n Fat interferes with the formation of a good foam in the egg whites. Fats tend to collapse egg foams.Even a small amount of fat in egg white will spoil the meringue
  • nCold eggs separate more easily than those at room temperature because the whites hold together better.
  • Egg white can foam to 6 to 8 times its original volume if the egg whites have been at room temperature for 30 minutes before beating.
  • nCopper, stainless-steel, or glass bowls work best as their surface is more smooth and can be cleaned with ease.
  • Utensils should be cleaned properly and dried, should also be grease free.
  • When the air has more humidity the quality of meringue can't be good as moisture will spoil the foaming of egg white.
  • nDo not add sugar before whipping the egg whites. Adding sugar at the beginning can double the time you have to whip the egg whites to get a foam.

Basic Method of making meringue

  • Types of meringue
According of method of processing meringue can be classified into three types:

French Meringue

Swiss Meringue

Italian Meringue

Problems In Meringue

  • nCracked Meringues
  • nWeeping Meringue
  • nBeading or moisture droplets
  • nShrinkage
  • nLimp or soggy
  • nMeringues stick to baking sheets

Recipe Regan Mian Noodles

Sno            Ingredients                             Quantity 1.                   Fresh boiled noodles               150 gms ...