Saturday, March 7, 2009


FISH( under const....)

Fish Meat

The fish meat is unique as compared to other meat even when the composition is same as red meat.

The Fish doesn't have much of connective tissues resulting into tender and delicate meat.Due to which fish can be cooked

With delicate methods of cooking.
Cooking can be done at lower temperatures.
Overcooking can happen easily.
The flesh disintegrates due to overcooking.


Round Fish:-Found usually on the surface of water
Flat Fish:- Found usually at bottom of water

Another Type of Classification

Lean Fish
Oily or Fat Fish

Basic Cuts of Fishes

Cravette:- A fillet of fish tied as knot ( a tie).

Darne:- A thick piece cut across the bone from middle, usually a round fish.

-Folded Fillet piece of fish.

En Tresse:- A fillet given a shape of braid.

En Lorgette
:- Fish is skinned and fillet are made but they are not disjointed from the head, the fillets are rolled towards the head.

:- A skinned and boneless piece of fish.

-Fish Fillets cut into thin pieces of 3inch*1/4inch, usually coated with egg batter and dredged before cooking.

La Paupiette:- Fillet which is rolled with a stuffing.

Supreme:- A large piece of fillet cut as a slant steak.

Troncon:-A steak of flat fish cut on bone.

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