Perception can be defined
as an intellectual process of receiving data from the environment, organizing
it & interpreting it in to meaningful information. Perception is a way to
understand things around us and define our world.
Perception is influenced by three factors:
Characteristics of perceived, Characteristics of perceiver and situation.
The flowchart of
perception can be represented as follows
- it can be defined
as changes in the environment; these changes can be detected by us through
external or internal manner. Based on the nature and extent of changes we try
to understand our world. These changes can be of various types like changes in
physical world, changes in processes, changes in behavior, attitude and
reaction of individuals etc.
Receiving:- the changes in our environment is
detected by receiving data through our sensory organs like eyes, ears, nose,
tongue, skin and kinesthesia. We also receive data from our environment
internally like the waves, the energy in the body, the emotions like enthusiasm
or anger etc.
Selection or Attention:- when
there are changes in our environment, these stimuli will get selective
attention due to certain external and internal factors. We tend to pay variable
attention to the different stimuli some changes will be ignored completely and
some might get our full attention or concentration.
factors which influence perceptual selection
Nature:- it means the data is received by
which sensory skills, i.e. whether the object of perception is visual,
auditory, touch etc. each data set will receive variable attention by the
receiver e.g. visual data will have more impact s compared to only auditory
Size:- if the size of the object is larger
than the rest then it will have more attention e.g. a tall employee in the team
will be noticed more prominently
compared to others.
Color:- color of the objects will receive
attention based on their impact e.g. if we see a food item in blue color it
will gain more attention, similarly blue colored office brings restful & cold feeling, red is associated with
stimulation, energy & intensity, also associated with danger.
Location:- the location of the object of
perception will also responsible for the variable attention received e.g. the
advertisement on the cover page will receive more attention as compared to
others, students sitting in the first row will receive more attention of the
Contrast:- thing which stands out from the rest
of the back ground will receive more attention e.g. a non uniformed employee
will receive attention where all other employees are in uniforms. Similarly
danger signs painted in red will receive more attention as compared to other
signs painted in other color.
Movement:- things which are in motion will
receive more attention as compared to things which are stationery. A moving car
in a parking lot will receive more attention then the stationery cars.
Repetition:- if the things are of repeating
nature then it receives more attention e.g. by repetitive instruction the
supervisor is able to ensure that the work is done as desired, the repetition
of advertisement on television will lead to better brand awareness.
Novelty & Familiarity:- new thing in familiar setting &
familiar thing in new setting will receive more attention e.g. a new car in
your apartment’s parking or your kid in the crowd of his school will be easily
recognized by you.
factors that influence perceptual selection
- Needs:- Based on our needs we become
selective of the data received by us e.g. person feeling hungry will only
be more receptive towards things that resembles food, similarly when a
customer is in need of buying a car he become more attentive to the
advertisements of the car in the TV or newspaper even though these
advertisement were frequent.
- Learning:- the learning is the information
we had acquired through our observation & experience in life, based on
our learning we acquire our attitude, behavior, with the information we
have we analyze the data coming to us, so perceptual selection is also
influence by our learning. E.g. a person having experienced difficult
situation will express calm & composure in unfavorable situations in
the organization where as a person with less learning may become
- Interest:- the perceptual selection will also be
affected by the interest of the receiver e.g. the same situation or object
can be perceived by different people with different needs differently e.g.
flyover bridge in a city can be seen as the sign of growth by economist, a
superior design by an architect & a piece of an art by a painter.
- Age:- selective perception is also
influence by the age of the receiver because our thinking is influenced by
age as well e.g. the old people will think more before taking a decision
where as young people will try to take decisions in a hurry. Similarly old
people have a perception about young as irresponsible whereas young
believe that old people are inflexible & rigid change.
Organization: - it is
a mental process to organize the stimulus received from the environment in to
some recognizable set of data or pattern, this organization of data is based on
our state of mind, situation and learning. There are various principles by
which we organize the data received by us.
Ground Principle: - When
we receive data from our environment, based on certain factors a portion of it
is considered significant and considering it we try to make out something
meaningful of the whole situation, the other portion is considered
insignificant and not useful for making any understanding. This grouping of the
total stimuli into significant and insignificant portion is known as figure
ground principles. The portion of the stimuli which is considered significant
is known as figure and the insignificant portion is known as ground. The
perception will change dramatically depending upon the consideration that what
is figure and what is ground. The definition of figure and ground depends on
factors like need, motivation and interests etc.
Figure: - when the
stimuli can be grouped in to more than one recognizable set or pattern the
organization of the stimulus will depend on which recognizable set the
perceiver will give acceptance to interpret. Again this selection will depend
on the factors of perceiver, situation etc.
Grouping: - it is the
phenomenon to group objects, individual and events based on some factors like
similarity, proximity, closure, continuity and area etc.
Principle of similarity: - we tend to see similar things as one
group, so employees wearing similar clothing or uniforms will be perceived to
be from same department or same level in hierarchy.
Principle of proximity: - the phenomenon to see things in close
proximity as a group e.g. the employees working in close proximity within the
organization can be considered as one group, employees having lunch together in
canteen can be considered a group and perceived as friends.
Principle of closure: - the phenomenon to perceive things as
continuous even when there are gaps, the gaps is filled by us to make something
meaningful out of it. E.g. read this perception cn b dfined as prcess of
recving orgning and itreprting stimuls. Even though many of the alphabets were
missing but we can read it into something meaningful.
Principle of continuity: - the phenomenon to perceive things as a
continuous pattern.
Principle of area:- tendency to classify things as figure
or ground based on the size, thing which is smaller will be considered as
figure and the large will be considered as ground.
Principle of constancy: - it is the phenomenon to perceive
certain characteristics of an object as remaining constant, even when we
receive stimuli expressing contradictory information. e.g. a worker who’s
reputation is of notorious and irregular worker is being nominated by
supervisor for incentive as he achieved a superior performance will be
considered as unjust decision taken by the supervisor, as manager perceive that
worker as notorious and irregular. By using the principle of constancy we try
to bring stability in our world.
Principle of simplification:- the phenomenon of simplifying things
to understand by eliminating less salient things and concentrating only on prominent
things, this is done due to limitation of time, energy and over flow of
stimulus in the environment.
Interpretation is the process of
making out some meaningful out of the situation and understanding of it. This
meaning or understanding will result in to reactions or changes in our
cognition or behavior. Interpretation can be influenced by a variety of factors
Perceptual Set:- it is also known as mindset, our
interpretation about a situation will depend on our beliefs and notions and we
will try to interpret things in the light of it.
Attribution:- the process by which try to assign
causes to the behaviors of individual or stimulus in the environment, one of
the significant process of interpretation is to find out the cause. So if there
is a change in behavior of an employee the manager will try to assign causes of
such changes.
Stereotyping: - The process when we perceive a
thing according to already known or perceived general categories is known as
stereotyping e.g. conductors of private bus operators will always be perceived
as rude, a labor will be considered as less intelligent, doctors and engineers
will be considered more intelligent etc.
Horns & Halo effect: - the process of perceiving thing
entirely on the basis of only one trait or impression about it, known as horns
& halo effect, if the trait or impression is favorable then it is called
halo effect and if the impression is unfavorable then it is called horns
effect. e.g. a manager having good impression about a supervisor will not take
a complaint seriously against him.
Expectancy: - to expect the behavior or traits based
on only one known trait e.g. if we know a person to be the manager we interpret
him to be intelligent, good communicator and having lots of authority over
Projection:- to perceive similar traits in a person
if he has one trait common between self. E.g. if a doctor come to know that a
person he is talking with is also a doctor then he will converse in a way
doctors usually talk and will also use jargons used by doctors perceiving him
to understand it easily.
Perceptual context:- it is in what context we perceive a
particular stimulus because the context will change our perception greatly e.g.
within organization there are certain conventions being followed and a behavior
within the organization will be interpreted in different manner as compared shown
outside the organization.
Perceptual Defense: - it is the mechanism to defend the
previously held belief or perception about a thing when confronted with
contradictory or threatening stimuli. There can be four kinds of reactions to
contradicting or threatening stimuli which can be represented as
1. Denial:
- we straight away
reject the stimuli and deny that a contradictory thing is possible.
2. Modification:
- as we are not ready
to accept a contradictory stimulus we make necessary modification to the facts
so as to accept in line with the previously held beliefs and perceptions.
3. Refusal
to change: - we
accept that the contradictory is possible but we are not accepting it which is
threatening to our perceptual set.
4. Acceptance:
- people will accept
and change their perception.
theory of Harold Kelly
Whenever we judge behavior
of others we attribute various causes for such behaviors these causes can be
internal that resides within the person like his nature, temper, motivation etc
or external like the conditions to which he is being subjected to.
According to Kelly model a
person make such judgments based on following cues
Consistency cues:- if a pattern of behavior is
consistent i.e. person behaves in same fashion at different time under similar situation
then behavior is considered to be caused by internal factors.
Consensus cues:- when a person acts differently from
other people or behaves differently than expected, when the expectations are
based upon the expected behaviors of other people then such behaviors is termed
as the person’s true motives & these are considered to be internally
Distinctive cues:- distinctiveness refers to the extent to
which the same person behaves in the same fashion in different situations.
Distinctive behaviors are those that are relatively unique to a situation.
attribution error: - the
phenomenon to underestimate the significance of external factors &
overestimates the internal factors when making attributions about the behaviors
about others. It is known as fundamental attribution error. E.g. if there is an
accident in a plant the manager will attribute it to carelessness of staff and
not a failure of machine.
serving bias:- the
phenomenon to attribute their achievement & success caused by internal
factors and attribute external factors in case of failure is known as self
serving bias.
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