Monday, February 16, 2009


Sno English French equivalent

1 almond amande

2 anchovy anchois - a fish

3 anchovy purée anchoyade : Provençal purée made with garlic and olive oil

4 angelic angélique

5 angler-fish baudroie : (monkfish, frog-fish, sea-devil) also called lotte de mer

6 angler-fish lotte de mer : (monkfish, frog-fish, sea-devil) baudroie

7 anise, aniseed anis étoilé : (anis étoilé; badiane) the anise plant; its dried star-shaped fruit.

8 anise, aniseed badiane : (anis étoilé; badiane)

9 apple pomme :

10 apricot abricot

11 aroma, flavor arôme : (arôme = aroma; goût = taste; parfum = flavor of ice cream;

12 artichoke artichaut

13 asparagus asperge :

14 botte d'asperges bundle of asparagus

15 pointe d'asperges asparagus tips

16 aspic jelly aspic

17 avocado avocat : (avocado pear)

18 bake in the oven cuire au four

19 baker boulanger

20 baker's yeast levure de boulanger

21 bakery boulangerie

22 baking powder levure chimique

23 baking soda bicarbonate de sodium : Available from pharmacies.

24 banana banane

25 barley orge

26 basil basilic

27 basket panier : usually a wicker basket.

28 bayleaf laurier : (also laurel leaf)

29 bean haricot

30 beef boeuf

31 beef stew daube

32 beer bière

33 beet, beetroot betterave

34 beet, white blette ]

35 bell pepper poivron

36 bell pepper, green poivron vert

37 bell pepper, red poivron rouge

38 beverage drink boisson

39 bitter acerbe

40 blackberry mûre

41 blanch blanchir

42 boiled bouilli

43 boiled corn polenta jaune

44 boiling ébullition

45 bone marrow moelle

46 bottle bouteille

47 bowl bocal : deep bowl with narrow top

48 braised braisé

49 bran bread pain de son : similar to whole wheat bread (pan complet)

50 bread pain

51 bread crumbs chapelure

52 bread stick baguette : a long narrow cylindrical loaf of white bread weighing 250 g. "Baguette" is the name for anything long and skinny, including drum sticks, strips of wood, etc.

53 broccoli brocoli

54 to brown à revenir : (to soften - cake)

55 to brown, singe à roussir

56 brussels sprout chou de Bruxelles

57 buckwheat sarrasin

58 buckwheat blé noir

59 buckwheat bread pain de sarrasin

60 burned, singed brûlé

61 butcher shop boucherie

62 butter beurre :

63 cabbage chou :

64 white cabbage chou-blanc

65 red cabbage chou-rouge

66 cake gâteau

67 cantaloup melon cantaloup de Cavaillon

67 capers câpres

68 capon chapon : a young castrated and fattened rooster

69 caraway carvi

70 cardoon cardon : an edible thistle, related to the artichoke, with edible root and leafstalks; leafstalks used as a garnish for some meat dishes

71 carrot carotte

72 cashew cajou : (noix d'acajou)

73 cauliflower chou-fleur

74 celery céleri

75 celery salt sel de céleri

76 cheese, blue moulded bleu de Queyras : a regional blue-moulded cheese

77 cheese, goat fromage de chèvre

78 cheese, grated fromage rapé

79 cherry cerise

80 chervil cerfeuil

81 chick pea pois chiche

82 chicken poulet

83 chicory endive chicorée frisée

84 chili pepper poivron pimenté

85 chilled rafraîchi : or cooled

86 chives ciboulette

87 to chop à détailler

88 chunks en dés

89 cilantro coriandrum sativum - coriander, Chinese parsley; herb with aromatic leaves and seeds resembling parsley.

90 citronella citronnelle : applies to various plants with a lemon scent: verbena, lemon balm, melissa, etc.

91 citrus fruit agrumes

92 clove girofle : "clous de girofle" are whole cloves, and "girofle moulu" or "girofle en poudre" are powdered cloves.

93 cocktail snack amuse-gueule : (amuse-gueule; amuse-bouche)

94 coconut noix de coco

95 coconut milk lait de noix de coco

96 codfish cabillaud

97 colander passoire : une passoire conique (conical colander) is used to "filtrer au chinois"

98 cold cuts charcuterie

99 cooked rare bleu (blue), but not a rare as saignant.

100 cooked very rare saignant

101 cooked well done bien cuit

102 to cool à réfroidir : or chill.

103 coriander coriandre

104 cork bouchon a bottle stopper, made from the bark of the cork oak (chêne liege)

cork liege : the material; the bark of the cork oak (chêne liege)

corked bouchonné : wine that's gone off, with the taste of its cork

105 corn maïs (American corn = English maize; English corn = American grain)

106 corn-bread pain de mais

107 cotton candy barbe-à-papa : (grandpa's beard) English, also: candy floss

108 country bread pain de campagne : usually a large, round loaf, dusted with flour.

109 cranberry airelle rouge : Airelle is a general name applied to the "Vaccinium" berry shrubs. Airelle is used for the British bilberry (whortleberry) or the American blueberry (huckleberry) as well as the cranberry ("airelle rouge").

110 crayfish, crawfish écrevisse

111 cream crème

112 cream, full-fat crème fraîche : used for making butter, sauces, etc.

113 to crumble à émietter

114 to crush à écraser : écrasé: crushed or flattened

115 crushed broyé : (crushed, ground, pounded)

116 cucumber concombre

117 cumin cumin

118 currant, red groseille : The red groseille is a red currant. The black groseille is called "cassis".

119 to cut up à tronçonner : (into sections or lengths)

120 cuttle-fish seiche

121 dandelion pissenlit : used in some old-time Provencal cooking

122 to dice à dés :- couper en gros dés = to dice; cut into chunks

123 dill aneth : similar to fenouil

124 doe biche : (female deer)

125 dogfish emissole : Mediterranean, smooth dogfish, shark fish.

126 doughnut beignet : (beignet, doughnut, fritter)

127 drain égoutter : drain off (water); strain (cheese)

128 drumstick pilon : drumstick, leg of poultry

129 eel anguille

130 egg oeuf

131 egg white blanc d'oeuf

132 egg yolk jaune d'oeuf

133 egg, boiled oeuf à la coque : steak or hamburger topped with a fried egg

134 egg, fried oeuf dur le plat

135 egg, hard-boiled oeuf dur

136 egg, poached oeuf à la moelle : with a white-wine and bone barrow sauce

137 egg, poached oeuf poché

138 eggplant aubergine

139 eggs, scrambled oeufs brouillés

140 endive scarole

141 ewe brebis : female sheep

142 fennel fenouil

143 fig figue - figue de Tarascon

144 filet mignon filet mignon : the small choice end of tenderloin of beef (or of veal or pork)

145 filled fourré : filled, stuffed, creamed

146 finger bowl rince-doigts

147 fish poisson

148 flavor saveur : (arôme = aroma; goût = taste; parfum = flavor of ice cream;

149 flour farine :

150 food alimentation : (food, groceries, nourishment, nutrition)

151 food nourriture

152 four spices quatre-épices : a blend of ground cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper.

153 french toast pain perdu

154 to froth à écumer : (to foam)

155 fry alevin

156 game gibier : pheasant, boar, etc.

157 garlic ail - gousse d'ail = clove of garlic

158 garlic powder ail semoule

159 garlic salt ail semoule

160 geranium géranium odorant

161 giblets abattis : poultry giblets

162 gilthead daurade royale - a fish

163 gingerbread pain d'épice

164 goose oie

165 grape raisin

166 grapefruit pamplemousse

167 grated râpé : or shredded.

168 green beans haricot vert

169 ground beef steak haché

170 grouper mérou - a fish

171 Guinea-hen pintade

172 ham jambon

173 to hang à faisander : (game, for aging)

174 herbal tea infusion

175 Herbes de Provence Herbes de Provence

176 honey miel

177 hot chaud

178 infusion tisane an infusion of herbal tea

179 jam confiture

180 jujube jujube (from thejujube tree)

jujube de Provence

181 juniper genièvre (genévrier) : juniper

182 kidney rognon

183 kidney beans haricot rouge

184 to knead à malaxer, pétrir(dough); to work (butter)

185 to knead à pétrir, malaxer : (dough)

186 knuckle of ham jambonneau :

187 ladle louche

188 lamb agneau

189 lamb leg gigot : Leg of lamb or leg of mutton, usually roasted

190 lavender lavande

191 to leaven à levain : (the "raising" compound in bread) see leveure (yeast)

192 leek poireau

193 leftovers rogatons : slang for the leftovers of a meal.

194 lemon citron

195 lemon balm mélisse : melissa; lemon balm

196 lettuce laitue

197 lettuce salade

198 licorice réglisse

199 light cream crème fleurette : a low-fat cream used in cooking, in place of crème fraîche; also "crème liquide"

200 liver foie

201 lobster langouste : spiny lobster or rock lobster; a lso called crawfish.

202 macaroni macaroni

203 mace fleur de muscade : (spice; also called macis

fleur de muscade = mace spice

noix de muscade = nutmeg

204 maize maïs : (American corn = English maize; English corn = American grain)

205 mango mangue

206 marjoram marjolaine

207 meal repas

208 meat viand

209 meat chunks viande en dés : figue de Tarascon

210 to melt à fondre

211 melted fondu

212 mild doux

213 milk lait

214 to mince à émincer : sliced thinly (meat or onions); shredded (vegetables).

215 minced beef steak haché

216 mint menthe

217 morel morille : a tasty mushroom; dark brown conical cap, pitted with cavitites.

218 mortar mortier : heavy bowl for grinding with a pestle; pilon = pestle

219 moulded moulé

220 mushroom champignon

221 mussel moule

222 mustard moutarde

223 mutton mouton

224 noodle nouille

225 oats avoine (flocon d'avoine = rolled oats; gruau d'avoine = porridge, oatmeal.

226 octopus poulpe

227 oil huile

228 old, aged vieux

229 olive olive

230 olive oil huile d'olive

231 omelette omelette

232 onion oignon

233 orange orange : orange de Nice; blonde de Nice

234 paprica paprika

235 parmesan parmesan

236 parsley persil

237 parsnip panais

238 paste paté

239 peach pêche :

240 peanut cacahouète :

241 pear poire

242 peas petit pois

243 to peel à éplucher

244 to peel à peler

245 peel zeste peel (of lemon, orange)

246 pepper poivre

247 peppermill moulin à poivre

248 persimmon kaki muscat de Provence

249 pestle pilon short thick club for pounding substances in a mortar

250 pickled saumuré

251 pie tarte

252 pimento piment : pimeinto, red pepper, hot pepper, capsicum

253 pine nut pignon

254 pineapple ananas

255 pistachio pistache

256 plate assiette

257 plum prune

258 pomegranate grenade grenade de Provence

259 poppy, wild red coquelicot : the wild red, or corn poppy, petals are used in salads, and in Provencal jelly

260 pot faitout, fait-tout : stew-pan, cooking pot

- (faittout, marmite)

261 potato pomme de terre

262 powder en poudre

263 to press à fouler : (force with a pistul)

264 prune pruneau

265 pumpkin citrouille

266 pumpkin potiron

267 quarter quart :

268 quiche quiche

269 radish radis

270 raisin raisin sec : (dried grape)

271 ravioli ravioli : stuffed pasta

272 raw vegitables panier de crudités : served whole or chopped, in a basket; eaten by hand, with or without "dipping".

273 recipe recette

274 red mullet rouget : small red fish used in Provencal cooking; also applies to goatfish or surmullet.

275 red mullet rouget de roche - a fish

276 red scorpion fish rascasse rouge : chapon de mer fish (for bouillabaisse)

277 ribsteak entrecôte (steak)

278 rice riz

279 rind ecorce : fruit rind; fruit peel; rice husk

rind, skin counne : example: "couenne de porc" is porc rind

280 ripe mûr

281 roast rôti

roast rôti : meat roast; "rôti de porc": pork roast; "rôti de dinde": turkey roast.

to roast à rôtir

282 rosemary romarin

283 rye bread pain de seigle

284 saffron safran

285 sage sauge

286 salt sel

287 salt pork petit salé : salt pork, or salt chine of pork

288 salt, pepper sel, poivre

289 salted salé

290 sandwich bread pain de mie : white, sliced bread

291 sardine sardine

292 sauerkraut choucroute

293 savory sarriette

294 to scald à échauder

295 sea bass loup - a fish

296 sea-bream dorade - a fish

297 sea-urchin oursin violet

298 to seed à épépiner : (remove the seeds)

299 to seer à saisir : Begin the cooking by seering the outer surface hot and fast: put a small amount of oil in a pan, bring it up to a high temperature, put in the food, spread out, to quickly brown the surface, turn to brown the other side(s).

300 shallot echalote : scallion; welsh onion

301 shark requin - a fish

302 to shell à écailler : (crabs), scale

303 sherbert sorbet

304 shrimp crevette : scallion; welsh onion

sieve tamis

305 to simmer; cook slowly à mitonner : simmer, stew slowly, with low heat, in water or bouillon (also mijoter)

prepared very carefully (Mitonnée aux Cinq Légumes)

cook long and slowly (ragoût)

306 sirloin steak faux-filet (steak)

307 to soften à ramollir

308 sorrel oseille

309 soup soupe

310 sour aigre

311 sour cream crème aigre

312 spaghetti spaghetti

313 spicy relevé : or seasoned.

314 spinach épinard

315 spoonful cuillerée

316 to spread à étaler : (spread out evenly)

317 spring onion ciboule : (scallion; welsh onion)

318 sprinkled arrosé : moistened; basted

319 squash courge

320 squid calmar

321 squid encornet

322 starfruit carambola : The carambola, or starfruit, is a large elongated yellow green fruit that is star shaped when cut across the bias; when they start to go a deep golden yellow they taste absolutely fantastic.

323 steam vapeur

324 stew ragoût

325 to stir slowly à remuer : also to toss (a salad); mix

326 straw paille

327 strawberry fraise :- fraise de Carpentras; frais du Plan de Carros

stuffed Guinea-hen pintade farcie

stuffed vegetables farci : (légumes farcis)

328 sugar sucre

329 sulphur soufre

330 sweet-and-sour aigre-doux : (bitter-sweet)

331 sweetbreads ris : of calf, lamb or kid goat.

332 to tail à équeuter : (a fruit)

333 tail queue

334 tangerine mandarine : manderin orange or tangerine.

335 tarragon estragon : tarragon

336 taste goût : (arôme = aroma; goût = taste; parfum = flavor of ice cream;

337 to taste à goûter

338 tea thé

339 tenderloin steak filet (steak)

340 thick cream crème èpaisse

341 to thin à délayer : (a sauce)

342 thyme thym : - wild thyme is serpolet

343 tomato tomate

344 truffle truffe

truffe noire d'hiver = winter black truffle

345 tuna thon - a fish

346 turbot turbot - a fish

347 turkey dinde :

dinde: hen turkey hen; dindon: tom turkey; dindonneau: young turkey

348 turkey filet filet de dinde :

349 to turn sour à aigrir : (wine or milk)

350 turnip navet

351 umber fish ombre commun : or freshwater grayling

352 veal veau : calf's meat

353 vegetable légume

354 vermicelli vermicelles

355 vervain verveine

356 vinegar vinaigre

357 virgin vierge : huile d'olive vierge = pure cold -pressed olive oil

358 walnut, nut noix

359 warmed réchauffé : or re-heated.

360 water eau

361 watermelon pastèque

362 welsh onion ciboule : (scallion; welsh onion)

363 wheat blé

germe de blé = wheatgerm

wheatgerm germe de blé

364 whipped cream crème chantilly

white blanc :

365 fromage blanc white cheese

366 vin blanc white wine

367 white beans haricot blanc

368 white beet bette

369 whole wheat bread pain complet : similar to bran brad (pain de son)

370 wild thyme serpolet

371 wine vin

372 woodcock bécasse

worn usé : red wine that has faded in quality because of age.

373 yeast levure :

levure chemique = baking powder

levure de boulanger = baker's yeast

374 yogurt yaourt

375 zucchini courgette

376 zucchini flower fleur de Courgette

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Recipe Regan Mian Noodles

Sno            Ingredients                             Quantity 1.                   Fresh boiled noodles               150 gms ...